What is an Empowerment Journey Life Coach?


Jacqueline Spaargaren, CCSH, CRMT, OLM

What is a Journey Empowerment Life Coach?

A Journey Empowerment Life Coach embarks on your life journey
We both step into the sacredness of your journey.
I lead you into the truest parts of your Soul and allow you to dwell in their magnificence.
I lead you and allow you to see with clarity those beliefs that no longer serve you and assist you in releasing them and incorporating NEW and EMPOWERING beliefs that will catapult you into your deepest desires and we begin to focus our energy in manifesting ALL you want to see made manifest in this lifetime!

I AM your biggest cheerleader!

I celebrate YOU in your truest form and all that incorporates on your life journey. I provide a safe and healthy environment for you to grow, showing you that vulnerability and visibility are your friends. We shed the fear based living and We embrace Love based living. Living from most authentic part of you… Your heart space <3

It does not matter what background you have come from or what kind of pain you have encountered in your past or even now in your present. The journey and it’s tools to EMPOWERMENT work the same for everybody!!! That is the best part!

It is nothing but sheer joy for me to embark on your life journey and support YOU into YOUR truest YOU!

Why is it sheer joy for me you may ask?  Because Empowerment Journey Life Coaching is my LIFE PURPOSE to aid and assist my tribe into BE~COMING and EMBRACING their PERSONAL POWER and living life as a MIGHTY CONSCIOUS CREATOR!!!

That part of the truest YOU ~ Which is your pure JOY!

p.s. Just a little side note to Journey Life Coaching… I myself have worked with a Relationship Life Coach and have found it to be one of the most rewarding partnerships I have ever had.    It has catapulted me in my personal growth and self mastery.  I highly recommend working with a life coach!!

Sign up today!!!  YOU will thank yourSELF!


Much Love,

Life Empowerment Journey Coach and Teacher
Jacqueline Spaargaren, CCSH, CRMT, OLM