Working with the energy of Goddess Ostara in Ritual for Spring and NEW BEGINNINGS with Priestess,  Jacqueline Spaargaren  * Goddess Rites of Passage *

Hello Beautiful Stars!

It has been a rough ride for US hasn’t it?  The Collective Energy has really been showing us deep deep wounds within that must be attended to.  So first and foremost…. Hugs and Love for each and every one of YOU <3   We need each other and support sometimes can be difficult to come by in the form of tangible human interaction.  I feel like such a mother these days who wants to draw each and every one of you into my arms and tell you how proud I AM of your courageousness to explore your wounds and your ability to stay grounded and focused on your life journey.  YOU are so LOVED and SUPPORTED by  spirit and even nature <3   As I took my doggie for a walk I was met by a bunny rabbit and we all know that even the animals come to give us medicine/message for support and the bunny reminds us to pour out our energies into creative pursuits.  Rabbit medicine also tells us to examine and utilize the tools we have within ourselves. Although our instincts are innate, they also need nurturing and development. Rabbit meanings deal primarily with abundance, comfort, and vulnerability.  Time for us to really nurture ourselves and within that nurturing we can venture out knowing that we have a comfortable nest within ourselves to return to.  Begin to OPEN yourselves up to “The Magic” that surrounds you… There are so many signs of spirit’s great LOVE for YOU and the support YOU are looking for.  I AM but a messenger and YOU know you always have my full support <3.

This NEW MOON in Aries is about cultivating the creative fire within and Goddess Ostara is the Goddess energy to assist you in just that!

Who is Goddess Ostara?

Ostara the Germanic Goddess heralds the beginning of spring. She is the Maiden Goddess, full of potential, representing the opportunity of growth and rebirth after the stagnation of winter.  There are several different translations of the meaning of her name:- East, dawn and morning light indicating the returning warmth of the sun’s rays and the lengthening days.

In Germany her warm nature is still marked by bonfires lit at dawn on the Spring Equinox.

Ostara, the Germanic Goddess of Dawn who was responsible for bringing spring each year, was feeling horribly guilty about arriving so late one year. To make matters even worse, the first thing she saw when she arrived was a pitiful little bird who lay dying, his wings frozen by the snow.

Lovingly, Ostara cradled the shivering creature and saved his life.

Legend has it that she then made him her pet or, in the adult-rated versions, her passionate lover. Filled with compassion for him since he could no longer fly because of his wings had been so damaged by the frost, the goddess Ostara turned him into a rabbit, a snow hare. She named him Lepus <3

Working with the energy of Ostara is remembering the Magic of childhood and all those dreams you held as a young woman or man.   When you were not tarnished by life’s set backs or as you incorporated limiting beliefs.  It is time to REMEMBER THE MAGIC like you did as a child.  Your inner child still remembers… Ask for dreams and remembrances of the dreams you held and are still holding.  Ask that they be released and that your faith and belief would increase.

As promised I will lead you in Ritual in invoking the Goddess Ostara Energy in Ritual

Things you will need:

1.     a candle

2.    a living plant

3.    essential oil of lavender or any floral oil to dress your candle

4.     Green Crystals

5.    Sage or Palo Santo



Please begin ritual by clearing and cleansing your energy and ritual space with Sage or Palo Santo

Place your plant in it’s special sacred space or altar

Take your candle and poke “4” holes in it   *representative of the 4 directions*, apply 4 droplets of your floral essential oil in the holes of the candle.

Now you are ready to begin the invocation of Goddess Ostara and her energy

invocation goddess ostara



As you begin to speak the ritual hold the dressed candle in your hand and begin to just listen and remember your dreams and intentions and ask Goddess Ostara to assist you in BELIEVING and CREATING and setting your intentions to manifest.

Goddess Ostara Energy feels “energizing and creative”  You will begin to feel her energy as you invoke and honor the energy.  Set your candle on your altar and arrange the plant and the crystal(s) next to the candle and light it and let the energy of OSTARA shine brightly in your sacred space.

If you feel further called to work with Goddess Ostara as she is the Goddess of Creativity and Fertility you can ask me to channel a custom crystal piece for you or you can purchase one of my Goddess Ostara creations from “The Goddess Collection”  Invoking divine energy <3    You can click on the picture to be directed to my Custom Healing Jewelry Site

ostara DAB


Much Love to YOU today and ALWAYS <3



Jackie Ostara


Jacqueline Spaargaren, Empowerment Journey Life Coach and Teacher and Priestess in Goddess Rites of Passage

Jacqueline teaches clients one on one and in group settings and leads Goddess Empowerment Rituals all over the United States and Abroad.  If you would like to learn more about her or schedule an appointment please click here: