Celebration of the Moon

moon_OlyaBatishchevaA Celebration of the Moon is a ceremony performed for young women coming into age.  There is much confusion and shame around moon cycles.  This rite celebrates the wonderful magical time of a maiden’s moon.  Allow me to assist in the explanation and empowerment of the a maiden coming into age of womanhood. Release that shame and the idea that moon cycles are burdens.  Celebrate the changing and the empowerment of the body and the ability to create and carry life.  The ceremony can be done individually or for a group of young maidens.  The ceremony includes detailed explanations of what a moon is, how the body is changing, the ability to create and carry lfe and the great life force the blood has.  The ceremony also dispels the shame and misnomers and burdens that so many carry in regards to their moon.

Celebration of Moon Cycle:    $144