Shamanic Healing Journey



This Healing Session is specifically made for YOU!
We begin the session by identifying what you would like to see manifest in your life.
I listen and become a conduit for the Divine and facilitate your healing session which gives you the most alignment, clearing and healing with direction for you and your body. I treat the whole, which means I see your physical body and it’s energy and I also see your spiritual essence and it’s relation to each other and the importance of it’s function together in an empowered way.
Whether you are looking for a spiritual cleansing, a deeper relationship with yourself and/or others, clearing of your energy body and healing for your body ~ I am here for you and will hold that loving space for you.

This Session begins with opening of the 4 directions and invoking sacred space and moves with cleansing of any dense heavy energy in your energetic body with palo santo and gentle movement of body to access chakra blockages.  Crystals strategically placed on your body, while you lay under a Amethyst biomat filled with healing crystals of amethyst and tourmaline crystals.  The biomat heals with Infrared Therapy:
• Warms the body.
• Increases white blood cell activity (immunity).
• Increases metabolic function (burns calories) – 600 to 1000 calories in 30 minutes to help with weight reduction.
• Increases perspiration and lymph flow which helps detoxify subcutaneous tissue.
• Helps to reduce inflammation and stimulate endorphin release to reduce pain.
Energy Healing of Reiki will be administered over your body with hands on healing.  Chakra Cleansing Spray’s and Oils used for more alignment and presence ~  used as you gently breathe into the Oils associated with the chakra’s being attuned.
The healing journey begins with sound healing with tingsha’s, shamanic drum, tibetan singing bowls, gong and rattle along with sacred song ~ channelled directly from the Divine for YOU.  Bringing further cleansing and alignment.  Sacred vibrational Mantra’s used for thousands of years to bring healing.
The healing journey ends with Chakra Tuning Forks placed to your ears and the Chakra Tuning Forks being tapped onto the crystals strategically placed on your body and then an affirmation spoken directly to you ~ being able to be heard by the subconscious mind to open and bring alignment to your chakra’s bringing you into your personal empowerment and to move forward in your Empowerment!

Session lasts 90 minutes and has lasting results and powerful testimonials.

Contact me,  Jackie,  @ to book a session.

Looking forward to Journeying with YOU!

Cost ~ $222

Your payment confirms session   Book and Schedule Here:



Each Healing Session is specifically made for YOU!

This is why I ask you to answer these (2) questions so that we have direction and purpose and intention.

I listen and become a conduit for the Divine and facilitate your healing session which gives you the most alignment and healing and clearing and direction you and your body needs. I treat the whole, which means I see your physical body and it’s energy and I also see your spiritual essence and it’s relation to each other and the importance of it’s function together in an empowered way.

Whether you are looking for a spiritual cleansing, a deeper relationship with yourself and others or clearing of your energy body and healing for your body ~ I am here for you and will hold that loving space for you.

If you are not sure what kind of healing session it is you need, please feel free to contact me via email or please contact me via phone @ 312-217-1832 for a free 10 minute phone consultation.

Even if you are not sure what you need ~ I am able to see and help you to understand.

Please complete the form below to assist me in helping you in your desired outcome:

[contact-form-7 id=”239″ title=”Question Form_- Chakra Journey”]