Prayer of thanksgiving and acknowledgment of connection to the divine source

Thanksgiving prayer to the Universe <3

Thank you Universe for feeling my true energy for you only act upon what I emit through my emotions and resonation.

I thank you that you do not see things as right or wrong but you see me as a marvelous creator and you honor this with bringing about the manifestation that I fuel with emotion, thought and intent.

I relinquish blame that I have placed on you ~ knowing or unknowing for the manifestations that were not so pleasant. But now as I know that you honor me.. I must honor myself and begin to look inward into my heart at my beliefs. If some of my beliefs are causing manifestations that do not serve me…

I take power over my own mind, thoughts and heart and begin to release those beliefs and wounds that no longer serve me and I enter into authenticity. I connect with my high self, which is through my crown chakra and connect to the Divine to you Universe and I ask that clarity and understanding be made known to me. I open up to Divine understanding through the very mirror that you show me through what shows up in my life. I can release fear, for fear has control. I choose to live in peace and flow, knowing I am supported. Connecting to the Divine in me ~ I connect to the Divine in all.