Akashic Record Reading Session 

With, Jacqueline Spaargaren, CCSH, CRMT, OLM

10272468_1044808832207248_5445793893373297933_oHave you ever been interested in learning about your past lives?

Do you have a strong remembrance of being somewhere but you know you have never been to that specific place?

Do you have a strong connection to certain ethnic backgrounds or have deja vu when you encounter various people, places and things?

Or are you just curious to find more about your past lives? and connect to that information?

The Akashic Records are Records that have been kept and they are  held by the “record holders” who are guardians of the records.   You can have your records released by the Sacred Prayer.

When you open the Akashic Records you have access to your past~present and future information.  Valuable information for you to access to assist you in growth, understanding of soul ties and also sacred ties or bonds called soul contracts in which you and an individual enter into for lifetimes to complete a specific purpose.

One of the most beautiful gifts I can give you, being a Shaman who is well versed in Soul Retrieval and Soul Contracts and can flow through each realm and see in those dark places by the process of ILLUMINATION is connect you to the ancient wisdom that your past, present and future lives have for you….. Can you imagine being able to connect to ALL parts of YOU and Being able to access the skill sets and knowledge?  This can be made accessible to you!!!

Some of the personal things I have learned about myself is that I have strong  past life ties to  Mary Magdalene and have been a temple priestess in more than one lifetime.  One of my other past lives include being Jewish and in the Holocaust.  I have strong ties also to The Arcturians a species who are star seeds and many of my guides are Pleadians and Arcturians.  I also connect deeply to the Earth and the Lower realm which consist of magical beings like fairies and elves.  There is so much to learn about all your connections!

This session is 60 minutes and will leave you feeling grounded, connected and clear.  There will also be a time for you to ask some questions you may want answered.

This session can be done in person at my Chicagoland Studio or by Phone or WebCam or Skype or FaceTime.

Please Pay For Session Here and I will reach out and contact you with the next available dates for your reading!


Looking Forward to Opening your Akashic Records.